Me, myself, and I'm Bisma Imran

I'm a Toronto-based product designer and UX Researcher, graduating from the Ontario College of Art and Design, and I L O V E design!

My professional experience working at startups has convinced me that there is no shortage of bad design out there, and it has real user implications. To me, bad design is like being dropped in the middle of Paris without a map or a phone, and a pickpocket for a tour guide (true story, let me tell you over boba sometime :D)

I believe users are always telling us who they are and what they want, whether it's directly through user interviews or implicitly through their behaviour. Using a data-driven approach and thorough research, I enjoy discovering pain points in customer journeys and experimenting with novel solutions that can address them.

I love reasoning about the whole visual experience, down to how even simple details like colour can sway the way that people react to products, not only in relation to accessibility for colour-blind users, but also to establish themes and for guiding emotional responses. Design should be beautiful and functional.

I have my roots in illustration, which is something I started early on as a way to express creativity and reduce stress. I find this discipline both challenging and therapeutic and as I've grown, I've found myself actively experimenting with a ton of mediums. This has made me very versatile in picking up new tools and tricks, and in adapting to new industry trends. This versatility plays out in my work as a product designer today, including my use generative AI to render quick and cost-effective drafts.

I'm on a mission to replace the careless and unstructured and monotonous out there with something a lot more intentional and a just little bit more beautiful. In my downtime, you'll catch me surfing Pinterest for art and DIY inspo, exploring downtown Toronto hunting for bubble tea, and watching Tim Burton movies.

If you haven't already, please check out my work and feel free to shoot me an email at if you have any questions or inquiries!

I'm a Toronto-based product designer and UX Researcher, currently studying at the Ontario College of Art and Design, and I LOVE design!

My professional experience working at startups has convinced me that there is no shortage of bad design out there, and it has real user implications. To me, bad design is like being dropped in the middle of Paris without a map or a phone, and a pickpocket for a tour guide (true story, let me tell you over boba sometime :D)

I believe users are always telling us who they are and what they want, whether its directly through user interviews or implicitly through their behavior. Using a data-driven approach and thorough research, I enjoy discovering pain points in customer journeys and experimenting with novel solutions that can address them.

I love reasoning about the whole visual experience, down to how even simple details like color can sway the way that people react to products, not only in relation to accessibility for color-blind users, but also to establish themes and for guiding emotional responses from users. Design should be beautiful and functional.

I have my roots in illustration, which is something I started early on as a way to express creativity and reduce stress. I find this discipline both challenging and therapeutic and as I've grown, I've found myself actively experimenting with a ton of mediums. This has made me very versatile in picking up new tools and tricks, and in adapting to new industry trends. This versatility plays out in my work as a product designer today, including my use generative AI to render quick and cost-effective drafts.

I'm on a mission to replace the careless and unstructured and monotonous out there with something a lot more intentional and a just little bit more beautiful. In my downtime, you'll catch me surfing Pinterest for art and DIY inspo, exploring downtown Toronto hunting for bubble tea, and watching Tim Burton movies.

If you haven't already, please check out my work and feel free to shoot me an email at if you have any questions or inquiries!

Looking for Summer 2024 internships

Let's make the world sparkle

Looking for Summer 2024 internships

Let's make the world sparkle

Looking for Summer 2024 internships

Let's make the world sparkle

Toronto, Canada